Easily work with office files directly within your Box
Using the integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs Cloud
Plně kompatibilní s formáty docx, xlsx, pptx


ONLYOFFICE Docs Cloud is a professional office suite for working with text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and PDFs.

Free app available in the Box App Center

Working with office files directly within the Box frontend

Secure & reliable online editors

Intuitive interface with tabs

Mnoho nástrojů pro úpravy, formátování a stylování

Spolupráce v reálném čase, sledování změn, komentáře, chat

How to get started

1. Log into your Box account.
2. Switch to the Box App Center.
3. Add the ONLYOFFICE app*.

*The app uses the pre-configured tenant of ONLYOFFICE Docs Cloud and doesn't require any additional configuration.

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