如何使用 ONLYOFFICE 宏将列复制到单独的电子表格中
ONLYOFFICE 宏拥有无限可能性,将需要数小时才能完成的复杂任务,用它只需单击一下即可完成。最近,我们收到了一位 ONLYOFFICE 用户的请求,要求提供一种宏,用复制数据来自动化工作流程。
const oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
const oRange = oWorksheet.GetSelection();
首先,我们获取活动工作表以及 oWorksheet 和 oRange 变量中的选择。
构成此宏的 3 个函数有:getColHeader()、copyColumns() 和 copyValues()。
首先是 getColHeader() 函数。
const getColHeader = (colNumber) => {
const targetColumn = oRange.GetCols(colNumber);
const colHeader = targetColumn.GetValue()[0][0];
return colHeader !== null && colHeader !== "" ? colHeader : -1;
getColHeader() 函数采用单个参数 colNumber,该参数指定列号。此函数检查指定列的第一行中的有效值。如果存在有效值,则 returns 该值,否则,它将 returns -1。
接下来看看 copyColumns() 函数。
const copyColumns = () => {
let end = false;
let i = 2;
while (!end) {
const sheetName = getColHeader(i);
if (sheetName === -1) {
end = true;
} else if (sheetName) {
const columns = oRange.GetCols(i);
columns.ForEach((cell) => {
copyValues(cell, sheetName, 1);
for (let j = 1; j <= 2; j++) {
const col = oRange.GetCols(j);
col.ForEach((cell) => {
copyValues(cell, sheetName);
} else {
console.error("Fatal error in copy horizontal logic.");
end = true;
copyColumns() 函数从第三列开始遍历当前工作表的列。对于每一列,它使用 getColHeader() 函数检索列标题。如果标题有效,则使用 copyValues() 函数将该列中的值和格式复制到标题指定的目标工作表。
下面是 copyValues() 函数。
const copyValues = (range, sheetName, copyType = 0) => {
copyValues() 函数将源范围的值和格式复制到目标工作表。它采用三个参数:range(包含单元格数据的范围对象)、sheetName(目标工作表的名称)和 copyType(指定要复制的列是默认列还是特定列)。
const oValue = range.GetValue();
const oCharacters = range.GetCharacters(0, 2);
const oFont = oCharacters.GetFont();
const fontName = oFont.GetName();
const oSize = oFont.GetSize();
const isBold = oFont.GetBold();
const isItalic = oFont.GetItalic();
const rowNo = range.GetRow() - 1;
let colNo;
const targetSheet = Api.GetSheet(sheetName);
if (!targetSheet) {
console.error(`Sheet with name ${sheetName} not found.`);
if (copyType === 1) {
colNo = 2;
} else {
colNo = range.GetCol() - 1;
接下来,使用从 getColHeader() 函数获取的 sheetName 变量检索目标工作表。
if (oValue === null || oValue === "") {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetValue(" ");
} else {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetValue(oValue);
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetFontName(fontName);
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetFontSize(oSize);
if (isBold) {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetBold(true);
if (isItalic) {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetItalic(true);
最后,如果一切正常,并且没有发生错误,则 copyValues() 函数会在目标工作表的相应单元格中设置值和格式。
最后,我们通过调用 copyColumns() 函数来结束宏,该函数是宏的入口点。
// Macro Workflow and Info
// This macro automates the process of copying specific columns to designated sheets
// and 'common columns' to all sheets. It ensures data and formatting consistency
// across multiple sheets. You can specify the common columns, which must start from the left and be continuous.
// For specific columns, as long as you have a column apart from the common ones with a valid header and a sheet with the same name exists, the macro will take that column into consideration/.
//If you have a secific column for which a sheet doesnt exist, the console will give you an error.
// For any other problems, be sure to check the console logs.
// Example Scenario:
// Suppose we have columns 'Name', 'Type', 'Calcium', and 'Magnesium' in a sheet called 'FOOD'.
// We also have sheets named 'Calcium' and 'Magnesium'.
// Selecting all data in the 'FOOD' sheet and running the macro will:
// 1. Copy columns 'Name' and 'Type' to both 'Calcium' and 'Magnesium' sheets.
// 2. Copy the 'Calcium' column to the 'Calcium' sheet.
// 3. Copy the 'Magnesium' column to the 'Magnesium' sheet.
(function () {
const oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
const oRange = oWorksheet.GetSelection();
* Gets the value in the first row of the Column
* @param {number} colNumber
* @returns {string}
const getColHeader = (colNumber) => {
const targetColumn = oRange.GetCols(colNumber);
const colHeader = targetColumn.GetValue()[0][0];
return colHeader !== null && colHeader !== "" ? colHeader : -1;
* Iterates through all valid columns and copies them to target sheet.
const copyColumns = () => {
let end = false;
let i = 2;
while (!end) {
const sheetName = getColHeader(i);
if (sheetName === -1) {
end = true;
} else if (sheetName) {
const columns = oRange.GetCols(i);
columns.ForEach((cell) => {
copyValues(cell, sheetName, 1);
// Copy the common rows in every sheet.
for (let j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { const col = oRange.GetCols(j); col.ForEach((cell) => {
copyValues(cell, sheetName);
} else {
console.error("Fatal error in copy horizontal logic.");
end = true;
* Copies the values and formatting from the source range to the target sheet.
* @param {object} range - The range object containing the cell data.
* @param {string} sheetName - The name of the target sheet to copy the values to.
* @param {number} copyType - Indicates type of copy operation. 1 for fixed column copy, default or dyanamic.
const copyValues = (range, sheetName, copyType = 0) => {
const oValue = range.GetValue();
const oCharacters = range.GetCharacters(0, 2);
const oFont = oCharacters.GetFont();
const fontName = oFont.GetName();
const oSize = oFont.GetSize();
const isBold = oFont.GetBold();
const isItalic = oFont.GetItalic();
const rowNo = range.GetRow() - 1;
let colNo;
const targetSheet = Api.GetSheet(sheetName);
if (!targetSheet) {
console.error(`Sheet with name ${sheetName} not found.`);
if (copyType === 1) {
colNo = 2;
} else {
colNo = range.GetCol() - 1;
if (oValue === null || oValue === "") {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetValue(" ");
} else {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetValue(oValue);
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetFontName(fontName);
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetFontSize(oSize);
if (isBold) {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetBold(true);
if (isItalic) {
targetSheet.GetRangeByNumber(rowNo, colNo).SetItalic(true);
ONLYOFFICE API 是一个强大的工具,能够执行各种任务,并为开发更高级的宏和插件提供了巨大的潜力。通过此 API,用户可以利用 ONLYOFFICE 的全部功能来提高生产力并简化工作流程。