Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

31 October 2022By Vlad

Searching for a worthwhile replacement for CKeditor to enable rich text editing inside web pages or applications? We made a list of recommended WYSIWYG editors used by developers worldwide, including ONLYOFFICE Docs, Froala Editor, Tiny MCE, and others.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

1. ONLYOFFICE Docs Developer

ONLYOFFICE Docs Developer Edition is more than just a rich text editor. Our solution contains features for editing text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, as well as creating fillable forms, creating ebooks and PDFs, and document format conversion.

Built in JavaScript using HTML5 Canvas and Node.js for server-side scripting, ONLYOFFICE Docs can be integrated with SaaS or on-premise applications, whatever programming languages you use.

ONLYOFFICE Docs fully supports Microsoft formats — DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX. 100% view, print, and pagination fidelity is guaranteed after running internal tests in all browsers.

Besides, ONLYOFFICE Docs is highly customizable and can be scaled to any number of users. The editing functionality is extendable with third-party plugins. White Label allows adding your logo to the editors and altering their interface.

Ready to see ONLYOFFICE Docs Developer in action or start a free 30 days trial period?


2. Froala Editor

Froala is a specialized WYSIWYG web editor for developers that work with HTML content. The best about Froala is a user-friendly interface that will bring you on board in minutes.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

The service comes with ready-to-use design blocks and over 100 features for SEO, design, mobile optimization, formatting, and working with rich content. They are pretty enough for producing web pages of any complexity.

Thanks to a powerful API, developers can easily integrate the editor into their web apps and customize for various use cases. More than 30 plugins help make the editing experience smooth.

However, Froala is far from being a cheaper CKeditor alternative — the Professional subscription is available from $899 annually. The trial period is 30 days.

3. Tiny MCE

Tiny MCE is a user-oriented, flexible and customizable WYSIWYG rich text editor. It’s open-source and integrable with React, Angular, and Vue. Thanks to a well-designed API, developers can seamlessly build the editor into their web applications.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

Advanced tables, checklists, embedding media and webpages, table of contents, and spell-checking. Users are able to work together in real time, use comments, and mention each other.

Seamlessly manage your files or images and distribute them on the cloud or on your own servers – Tiny Drive.

Prices start at $90 per month, and 2 months are free when paid annually. The trial period is 14 days only.

4. Vev

Vev is a no-code web design platform for developers and specialists without programming skills. To produce great web content, you just move elements and edit by pixel to make any design responsive.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

Vev is not a traditional rich text editor. It’s rather a CKeditor alternative for everyone who wants to work with sites and blogs, but is not a professional in HTML and CSS.

The Content Editor offers a restricted editing environment, allowing you to edit and publish sites. Edit text, images, and even animations together: Thanks to the locked layout, there’s a minimal chance of interference when collaborating.

With all these awesome web design features, Vev is a bit costly — prices start at $59 per user/month.

5. ContentTools

Another flexible and open-source WYSIWYG editor that you can add to any HTML page. Its libraries are hosted, developed and maintained on GitHub.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

Editing content is possible with the toolbox (for inserting an image, video, table, and other objects) and the inspector bar. Some regions of the page may be restricted from editing, you can also drag, replace or resize multimedia content.

Additionally, users will be able to edit pages at the HTML level, apply styling (CSS classes) and add attributes to an element.

The onboarding is straightforward with a demo, guides for beginners, and a well-structured API. ContentTools is free and open-source.

6. Quill

Quill is a free, open-source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. With its extensible architecture and an expressive API, you can completely customize it to fulfil your needs.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

Simple API provides access to content, changes, and events letting you work consistently with JSON. Quill is supported by every modern browser on computers and mobile devices. All basic features are present, including operations with fonts and headings, inserting images, videos, and links, building multi-level lists.

Quill is one of the best free alternative to CKeditor for open-source advocates.

7. Summernote

Summernote is a simple CKeditor alternative for quick and fast editing of rich text. It’s free, open-source, and can be integrated with other backends.

Top 7 alternatives to CKeditor

The editor uses bootswatch themes, has buttons for inserting links and multimedia, and can be duplicated (multiple editors will appear on a page). The solution can be personalized for using custom styles, fonts and their size, placeholders, and disabling some actions or interface elements. A comprehensive API assists you from the integration to the actual implementation on an HTML page.

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