10 facts about ONLYOFFICE security

3 August 2020By Ksenija

Data safety is one of the top priorities for our project. With ONLYOFFICE, you are provided with a comprehensive range of security tools and services to keep your data safe on all fronts.

In this blog post, we’ve gathered interesting facts about security features in ONLYOFFICE and prepared these cool comics for you. Learn and enjoy!

10 facts about ONLYOFFICE security

By the way, did you recognize Spiky the hedgehog, one of our mascots?

Useful links

Find everything you need to know about security tools and features in ONLYOFFICE (such as IP restriction, HTTPS, private server installation, JWT, single sign-on, 2FA and more) on this page.

How to backup ONLYOFFICE: read a complete guide.

How to use two-factor authentication: check our Help Center.

Use this checklist to ensure maximum security of your self-hosted Enterprise Edition.

Check the API documentation to learn how you can adjust ONLYOFFICE configs to restrict downloading and printing for individual docs.

Have any questions or suggestions? Use the comments section below or just tweet us at @only_office. Your feedback is always appreciated!