ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors are now available in Linkat

3 July 2020By Sergey

In June a really good piece of news was announced: ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors had been included in Linkat, an educational GNU/Linux distribution from Catalonia, Spain.

Read this blog post to find out how this distro featuring ONLYOFFICE promotes the use of free software in educational institutions of the region.

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors in Linkat

What is Linkat?

Linkat is an educational GNU/Linux distribution of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia developed by the Department of Education of the Catalan government and designed to promote the use of free software in non-university educational institutions.

Launched in 2004 on top of openSUSE, it has been based on Ubuntu since 2012. Linkat is released every two years, coinciding with the launches of the long-term support versions of Ubuntu. The most recent version of Linkat is based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Linkat is absolutely free, and anyone can download it from the official website.
Linkat desktop

Linkat desktop environment


On the 17th of June, the developers of Linkat published a post about the inclusion of ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors into Linkat Edu 18.04. The application was added to enable Linkat users to work on documents offline.

However, ONLYOFFICE became part the of the Linkat project until two years ago, in 2018. Initially, the developers of Linkat added the ONLYOFFICE Document Server to the server version of Linkat 14.04 and integrated it with ownCloud. This integration allowed Linkat users to create and edit text files, spreadsheets and presentations online within their ownCloud cloud storage.

Later the ONLYOFFICE Document Server was integrated with the Nextcloud service. According to the developers, they wanted to give schools an independent cloud solution that would make it possible to control both the data and the cloud solution itself. The ONLYOFFICE/Nextcloud combo perfectly met the criteria. Moreover, the developers were really impressed with the ability of ONLYOFFICE to co-edit documents in real time and integrate with other platforms through connectors.

To start using ONLYOFFICE on Linkat, you just need to click the corresponding icon in the menu.
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors in Linkat

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors in Linkat

Useful links

Visit the official blog of Linkat for more news about the project.

Find out more about another great educational distro featuring ONLYOFFICE – Escuelas Linux.

We will be happy if ONLYOFFICE Desktop editors are included into other Linux distributions. We have made build tools for those who want to compile our editors from the source code according to their own needs or create a build for an unsupported operating system. More information in this article.

If you have any questions, use the comments section below or just tweet us at @only_office. Your feedback is always appreciated!

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View, edit and collaborate on docs, sheets, slides, forms, and PDF files online.