How Germany’s public radio and television deployed Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE

2 July 2020By Ksenija

We would like to tell you about IVZ, a shared services organization for the German public broadcasting stations, that deployed Nextcloud for efficient file exchange and ONLYOFFICE for seamless online content collaboration. Read on for more details.

IVZ deployed Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE

About IVZ

IVZ, the Informations-Verarbeitungs-Zentrum (Information Processing Centre), is a cooperation between all public broadcasting stations of Germany (together they form ARD), Deutschlandradio and DW.

IVZ was initially founded in 1993 by only three stations in the form of a public-law, non-legally capable administrative community. In the following years other public broadcasting stations joined the cooperation and since February 2017 all of them are on board.

The IVZ cooperation is headquartered at RBB in Berlin and operates at the locations of its clients, the public state broadcasting stations. As of 2018, around 200 IVZ-employees support the cooperation partners, i.e. clients, in central IT issues.

About ARD-ZDF-Box

ARD-ZDF-Box is an exchange platform for public broadcasting related organizations in Germany. It is set up and administered by IVZ. ARD-ZDF-Box allows data to be exchanged with other registered users as well as public access via a link.

IVZ launched the ARD-ZDF-Box built on ownCloud in 2014 and migrated to Nextcloud in 2017. ONLYOFFICE is also a part of the ARD-ZDF-Box and is used as a document co-authoring tool.

Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE setup

To serve over 8000 users, IVZ has set up an architecture consisting of two NGINX load balancers directing data to four Nextcloud application servers. Each has the GPFS file system directly mounted locally so they talk immediately to the LUNs. They are connected with two ONLYOFFICE servers each managing up to 200 concurrent connections.

Collaborative document editing with ONLYOFFICE

IVZ deployed ONLYOFFICE in 2018 to enable online document collaboration for various teams at the TV and radio stations.

ONLYOFFICE is connected to the application servers, running on two separate servers. These handle 200 connections per server, which suffices for now for the usage at IVZ. The team does see growth coming for this, though, and is actually surprised it works with just 400 connections right now.

The built-in collaborative editing and chat functions are used a fair bit and users are very happy with the application. A real advantage is that ONLYOFFICE looks very similar to Microsoft office, which keeps migration easy.

Useful links

Get the PDF version of this use case. Download

Download the full IVZ case study at

Check this beginner’s guide on ONLYOFFICE-Nextcloud integration.

Read here how the University of Lorraine implemented collaborative environment based on Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE.

Read here how Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE improve user storage mobility and document collaboration in North-West University.

Read the story of the University of Nantes that deployed its online collaboration platform based on Nextcloud and ONLYOFFICE.

Discover more success stories from ONLYOFFICE customers.

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