Meet New Employee in our TeamLab Office: Online Collaborative Editing!

7 February 2013By Nina

We continue to follow our pursuit to enable overall project and team collaboration, and so beginning with version 7.0  simultaneous editing has been also added to TeamLab Office Apps!

How it can speed up your work

The benefits of collaborative file processing in the cloud are evident:

  • time saving for business and decision making processes across teams of any sizes;
  • no more need in endless correspondence with bulky attachments;
  • an opportunity for distributed teams to discuss and process a document from any part of the world

What options exactly it provides

  • simultaneous multi-user access to the edited document;
  • visual indication of passages that are being edited by other users;
  • synchronization of changes with one button click;
  • chat to share ideas concerning particular document parts;
  • comments containing the description of a task or problem that should be solved

In other words, you can now work with one text document at the same time with your colleagues without any difficulty or fear of collision due to the technology chosen. The paragraph, that you’re editing, is locked from other teammates and it’s clearly indicated who is editing what at a certain moment. The real-time collaboration is reinforced by the embedded chat and commenting option.

Not only TeamLab Office registered members will be able to benefit from collaborative editing. It means you can attract colleagues outside the corporate portal by submitting a link and granting access permissions.

At the moment collaborative editing is available for text files, but in the next releases you’ll be able to benefit from it also in online spreadsheets.

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View, edit and collaborate on docs, sheets, slides, forms, and PDF files online.