Everything about TeamLab Notifications – Part I

20 October 2011By Elena

As you no doubt have already guessed, the post concerns the notification messages you as portal users get from TeamLab, the way you can adjust them, subscribe or unsubscribe from them. TeamLab notifications are made to provide you with information about every change at your TeamLab portal as well as remind you of some event. There are two groups of notifications – notifications you can manage and notifications you will receive in any case by email. Let’s consider the first group in detail.

Click to zoom inNotifications that form the first group you can manage subscribing to them, unsubscribing from them, changing the notification type. You can perform most of these operations at one place that represents a so-called “subscriptions center” that is unique for each portal user. To access it, click the link with your name at the very top and select the Subscriptions option from the list. The Subscriptions page will open to let you accomplish these operations:

1. Change the notification type
You can choose among three options: Email, Talk or Email & Talk. In case you select the third option, you’ll receive the same notifications via email and Talk.

2. Subscribe/ unsubscribe
You can unsubscribe from certain notifications clicking the Unsubscribe link or subscribe to new notifications clicking the appropriate link.

Note: you can't subscribe/unsubscribe to/from notifications within the Documents section, you can only change the notification type.

Unsubscribing from notifications within the Projects and Community sections on the Subscriptions page, you can’t subscribe to them again on the same page if you change your mind, as they won’t be available on the page any more. To do that, you will need to switch to the corresponding module, open the needed tab and click the appropriate link on the Actions panel:

    Click to zoom in

  • Projects module
    After switching to the Projects tab and selecting a project from the list, you can click the Follow this project link on the Actions panel to subscribe to this certain project. After that all the information about created tasks, started project-related discussions, uploaded documents, in a word, about all newly created content (except comments) will be included into the what’s new notifications (see below).

    Note: if you are a manager or a team member of this project, you needn’t do anything to receive such notifications. They will be sent to your email address automatically (see the Everything about TeamLab Notifications - Part II post that will be published next week).

    Switching to the Milestones tab within a certain project and selecting a milestone, you can subscribe to comments added to this milestone.

    Switching to the Discussions tab within a certain project and selecting a discussion, you can subscribe to comments added to this discussion clicking the Subscribe to comments link on the Actions panel.

  • Click to zoom in

  • Community module
    Switching to the Events tab, you can subscribe to all new events clicking the appropriate link on the Actions panel or to comments to a certain event after selecting it.

    Adding a new post to blogs or forums, you will see that the Subscribe to post comments box is checked by default for you to receive notifications about new comments to your post.

    Within the Blogs tab you can also subscribe to all posts, all user’s posts as well as comments added to a certain post.

    Within the Forums tab you can also subscribe to new topics, to a certain forum or topic within a forum.

    Switching to the Photos tab you can subscribe to new photos or event that is depicted in photos.

    Within the Bookmarks tab you can subscribe to new bookmarks clicking the appropriate link.

    Switching to the Wiki tab you can subscribe to a page or all new pages created.

The same way you can also unsubscribe from notifications, as after clicking the corresponding subscribe link it turns to an unsubscribe link on the Actions panel.

On the Subscriptions page the following sections are situated:

  • What’s New
    This type of notifications informs you about everything new for the previous day. You learn about new projects created, milestones added, tasks assigned, posts added to blogs and forums, bookmarks created, wiki articles written, photos uploaded within the Projects and Community modules.
  • Administrator Notifications (available for portal administrators only)
    The following notifications belong to this section:
    1. Change of Profile
    You receive this notification if a portal user changed his profile details at your TeamLab portal.
    2. New User Added
    You receive this notification if a portal user has joined your portal at TeamLab platform.
  • Community
    Click to zoom inIf you have already subscribed to some notifications within the Community module, this section will also contain subsections for you to find the needed subscription easily:
    1. Events
    You will be informed about new events and comments added to them.
    2. Blogs
    You will receive notifications about comments added to a post, about all new posts created, all posts created by a certain user.
    3. Forums
    You will be notified about new topics, everything new in a forum or a certain topic.
    4. Photos
    You will be informed about new photos uploaded to the portal and everything new within a certain event that is depicted in photos.
    You will receive a notification each time a new bookmark was added.
    6. Wiki
    You will be notified about new comments added to the page you subscribed to, change of this page as well as new wiki pages created.
  • Projects
    Click to zoom inIf you have already subscribed to some notifications within the Projects module, this section will also contain subsections for you to find the needed subscription easily. Subsections represent projects where you subscribed to new comments within project-related discussions,
    milestones, your tasks, etc.
  • Documents
    The following notifications belong to this section:
    1. Access to a document/folder granted
    You’ll receive this notification, if the document or folder owner granted you some access rights for this file or folder.
    2. Document deleted
    You will be informed, if a document you have access to was deleted.
    3. New document uploaded
    You will be informed, if a new document was uploaded and you were granted access rights for it.
    4. Document version updated
    If you were granted access to a document, you will be notified about changes in it.
  • Calendar
    Click to zoom inThe following notifications belong to this section:
    1. Sharing of calendars & events
    You will receive notifications if a portal user has shared his calendar or an event from his calendar with you.
    2. Alerts about events
    You’ll be notified about coming events from your or other users’ calendars shared with you.

That’s all for manageable notifications. Next week I’ll continue this topic and consider non-manageable notifications in detail.

Please visit our Help Center, if you are unsure how to perform some operation on your portal. In case you have any questions or ideas, feel free to write an email to our Support Team or leave your feedback for TeamLab.

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