Call for testing: Native ONLYOFFICE Documents 4.0 for Android

27 March 2020By Ksenija

Hello everyone!

Today we are offering a chance to contribute to our project by becoming a beta tester of the new native editors for Android devices. Learn how to enter a pool of testers and submit your feedback in this post.

What’s new in version 4.0

The new editors were released for working with files on device and in clouds connected via WebDAV, including Nextcloud and ownCloud . The following functionality is available in this version and requires testing:

Native document editor:

  • Text editing and formatting;
  • Inserting tables and managing rows/columns;
  • Adding images;
  • Adding links;
  • Page numbering;
  • Page breaks;
  • Text search and replacement;
  • Printing;
  • Export to DOCX, PDF, RTF, ODT.

Native spreadsheet editor:

  • Cell settings;
  • Cell text editing;
  • Cell formats;
  • Cell size adjustment;
  • Autoshape settings;
  • Adding formulas;
  • Adding images;
  • Adding external and internal links;
  • Sorting and filtering;
  • Printing;
  • Sheet operations: adding, renaming, deleting;
  • Export to XLSX, PDF, ODS, CSV.

Native presentation viewer:

  • Printing.
How to participate

If you are willing to take part in beta testing, submit your Google Play account details at Please use this title for your application: ONLYOFFICE Documents 4.0 testing.

We will add your account to the pool of testers and grant access to the application.


How to submit your feedback

After you install and test the application, please stick to the following report format, so we can fully understand the issues and start working on them right away:

  • Title: What was the problem, in which functionality or area, and in which editor.
  • Steps: Actions that you performed to find it, step by step.
  • Expected result: what result you expected after performing the steps above.
  • Actual result: What you got as a result of these actions.
  • Testing environment: Device model, Android version, App version including the build.


Use ONLYOFFICE Documents 4.0 beta page on Google Play to submit your feedback.

Call for translators: Interface localization

The app is currently available in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese and Bulgarian.

You can contribute to the app by checking the localization in the available languages or by taking part in translation to the new language. We offer special benefits to ONLYOFFICE translators. To learn more, contact us at

Follow ONLYOFFICE translators community on Twitter to stay tuned about the new updates and calls for translation.

Thank you for your interest and help. With your advice we can continue our work and create better collaborative applications for everyone. If you have any questions, please leave us a comment below.

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View, edit and collaborate on docs, sheets, slides, forms, and PDF files online.