How to launch Open Office on your portal?

9 March 2011By Nina

Having introduced Documents module, we decided to explain the way it works to anticipate your possible questions and doubts. As mentioned in our post, TeamLab Documents operation requires no installation of office software. Ability to create and edit documents on portal became possible with a specially developed virtualization technology. On the user’s side the technology is activated in 3 steps:

1. Ascensio System Plug-in installation. It is required for correct download, performance and update of virtualized Open Office. One time installed, ASC Plug-in will be updated automatically.

2.Open Office download. Open Office is packed in the archive with all system components necessary for application functioning in browser. For this reason the download may take some considerable time depending on Internet connection speed.

3.Open Office unpacking. The application archive is unpacked.

Now you can launch Open Office right on your portal!

Watch the video to see how it works.